2011 MARCH 27
In the course of looking for something else, I came across this column from Denise LeFay in 2007, on clairvoyantly neeting her son’s Pleiadian father. Well, that’s not something you hear about every day, is it? Ellie Miser too is from the Pleiades, as you recall.
My Son’s Pleiadian Heredity
Posted on November 3, 2007 by Denise
(The Pleiades Star System)
When I was fifteen (1967) I had an interesting conscious clairvoyant telepathic conversation with a fifth dimensional Pleiadian. At that time I didn’t remember the name “Pleiadians”, only that this handsome blond male was very familiar and dear to me. I’ve talked only briefly about him so far but will share more about all of them in coming posts.
It was early afternoon and I was in my bedroom listening to the radio and just being a 15-year-old. Suddenly this beautiful blond-haired, sky-blue eyed male popped into my mind’s eye and started a telepathic conversation with me. He was so clearly there. This was not a teenage girls fantasy—this was conscious contact—which I’d had with him and some other ETs since age 3 that I have always remembered.
I was not a girl who wanted to get married and have children when I grew up. That was not mything. I knew I didn’t want that sort of life, but, certain events are planned and agreed upon long before we reincarnate. This was one of those multidimensional, far-reaching agreements.
While this conversation is going on telepathically, I’m carefully clairvoyantly viewing and psychically sensing or reading this male. He looked human and I even thought he was at first, but the more he talked I realized he was something other than human. I realized he wasn’t physical or from Earth. At that time I didn’t know he was “Pleiadian”. He was just that beautiful blond guy I had seen a few times like this since early childhood.
At one point in our conversation he said, “This is your son in the future when he is 15 years old.” In my mind’s eye I see a photograph of a boy with blond hair and sky-blue eyes who looks very, very, much like this male Pleiadian.
My young 15-year-old mind was trying to understand it all, and because the two of them looked so much alike, I thought that maybe I’d meet this male in my future and we would produce this son who looked just like him. (I have medium brown hair with dark blue-grey eyes. There are no blonds on either side of my family.)
Needless to say that image of this future boy, this blond 15-year-old boy who was going to be my son some day, was something I never forgot. At the end of this telepathic conversation he said, “I am his real Father.”
Like I said, I wasn’t a little girl who hoped to some day get married and have kids. I wanted to be a Jockey and race horses, I wanted to be creative and free. But the day came when I married a man even though I didn’t want to and soon became pregnant. I had a beautiful blond-haired, sky-blue eyed son of course. He is the only child I have.
When he was fifteen I took a photo of him, and when I got it back from the developers, there was THE telepathic image the Pleiadian had shown me when I was 15—25.5 years earlier! I just stared at it with my heart pounding. And yes, my son looks very much like his nonphysical Pleiadian stellar father and not his physical biological one.
Do not misunderstand me however because I’m not saying what you may think I am. My son is a Pleiadian human as far as I’m concerned. That is his Home and that was the message my old male Pleiadian friend was trying to tell me at age fifteen; the complex concept of “Starseeds” and “Wanderers”. And that so many of us come back to Earth and physicality from our nonphysical, higher dimensional Homes in different Star systems. In so many cases, we are the ETs.
The third image I found only yesterday (Nov. 2007) while hunting through Google Images. It’s called Ashtar Command. I’m not familiar with “Ashtar” or the “Ashtar Command” and I am only adding this image for the obvious reasons. I’m also not saying that my male Pleiadian friend is this “Ashtar” because I believe they are two different 5D Pleiadian beings. So with that said, this first photo was taken when my son was fifteen in 1987.
This second photo of him was taken in 1993 when he was twenty years old. In this second photo my son’s hair is long and pulled back into a ponytail. The third image (above) is that of “Ashtar” the Pleiadian.
Denise Le Fay http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/
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