Thanks to Vendo ~ Laura"Nothing in This Book Is True,
But It's Exactly How Things Are"
(C) 1994 by Bob Frissell,Interviews with Bob Frissell
on Art Bell and Sightings
Qual. PB, 230pp
Frog, Ltd., Berkeley, CA
ISBN 1-883319-01-3 )
We have all been around since the beginning and we will
all be around until the end. We already know all of the
information being presented here and a whole lot more.
Table of Contents
[Our History|Lemuria and Atlantis|The Lucifer Rebellion|Thoth]
Drunvalo: Our History
(Note: Following is an excerpt from Bob Frissell's book, "Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are." Mr. Frissell has extracted the following information from a Flower of Life seminar presented by Drunvalo Melchizedek. In a recent conversation with Mr. Melchizedek's secretary, I was told that though the information presented in the Frissell book is relatively accurate, there are "mistakes on every page." This is posted for informational purposes only and will have to suffice until Drunvalo's own book is published. For further information on Drunvalo Melchizedek or the Flower of Life seminars, see Drunvalo's Home Page.)
:: Our History ::
In order for us to understand what is happening now and what will happen in our future, it is essential that we know the past. Plants, for instance, use a mathematics described by the Fibonacci sequence to determine what to do in their growth. A plant looks back to see what it just did, ascertains where it is now, and then knows where it is going. It adds the number of leaves it just grew to its present complement to know how many leaves to grow next. It says, for example, I just grew one leaf and I am at one, so that means I now grow two. When it gets to two leaves it says, I was just at one and I just grew two more, so now I am at three, and so on. It needs to look back to see what it just did combined with where it is now to know where to go. Such is organic structure.As humans we have to know our history because we have to know how we got into our present predicament in order to get out of it. We think that our history began in 3800 B.C. in Sumeria and that nothing came before that except hairy barbarians. We assume we are the greatest thing that ever lived on this planet. In truth, according to Drunvalo, there have been civilizations so far ahead of us that we can't even imagine them.
Civilizations on this Earth go back 500 million years. The planet is a star seed to which external life forms have come from all over, combined with each other, generated new life forms, and left. Each of the life forms they created have gone through five levels of consciousness. Right now we are on the second of the five.
Almost all the evidence from past advanced civilizations has been put out of context or ignored. For instance, we have a connection with the star Sirius about which little is known but which is essential to understanding our present plight. Robert Temple's book The Sirius Mystery (1), presents the following: There is a tribe near Timbuktu in Africa called the Dogon. For more than 700 years this group has had information that presumably it cannot have-information our scientists have had for only the last twenty years or so, and it took sending satellites into space to get that.
The Dogon know about the star Sirius in detail. Sirius is the brightest star in our sky, situated to the left and straight down from the belt of Orion. The Dogons said that there was another tiny star rotating around Sirius and made of the heaviest matter in the universe. This star completed its rotation once every fifty years. It was a very old star. Because scientists couldn't see this star through our telescopes, ethnographers thought it was just Dogon mythology. In I970 a telescope launched into space found a white dwarf star rotating around Sirius. Like the one in Dogon "myth," it is a very old star. One cubic inch of it is estimated to weigh 2,000 pounds. The orbit of the star was calculated to be 50.1 years. This star was named Sirius B and the original Sirius renamed Sirius A.
When a team of scientists visited the Dogon tribe to find out how they knew about this, the elders said that a flying saucer landed. Beings emerged and made a large hole in the ground which they filled with water. The occupants, who looked like dolphins, jumped into the lake they had made, then came up to shore, and talked to the Dogon people. They told them that they were from Sirius and related many Sirian stories.
The Dogons had an even more incredible bit of information. They had a visual image of the movement of Sirius A and Sirius B from Earth for the time period between 1912 and 1990, culminating in an exact image of where these stars would be at this time. They also had a great deal of information about the planets in our solar system, including various moons. How did they know or imagine this so specifically?
My next bit of information has to do with the Sphinx. Egyptologists say that the Sphinx was built around 2500 B.C. by the pharaoh Chephren. In his book from 1961 called Le roi de la theocratie pharaonique (Sacred Science), the mathematician, philosopher, and Orientalist R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz says: "We have to acknowledge that a great civilization must have preceded the vast movements of water that passed over Egypt; it is this which is implied by the existence of the sphinx sculpted in the rock on the western cliffs at Giza, this sphinx whose whole leonine body, with the exception of the head, shows an indisputable water erosion." (2)
An Egyptologist named John Anthony West, after reading Schwaller de Lubicz' book in 1972, decided to research the weather patterns found on the Sphinx. He discovered that the patterns were unique; they weren't the result of sand and wind but two- feet-deep flowing water. He calculated that there would have to have been a minimum of 1,000 years of torrential rain flowing on the Sphinx consistently for it to have been worn to these patterns. Geology now stands in direct contradiction with archaeology. The Sahara Desert is at least 7,000 to 9,000 years old, which means the Sphinx has to be at least 8,000 to 10,000 years old, minimum.
Egyptian archaeologists have nothing to say about this. The evidence is overpowering that it is true, but it threatens to break down all our concepts of who was on this planet when we believe that there was no one here capable of building something like the Sphinx 8,000 to 10,000 years ago. According to Thoth the Sphinx contains proof of 5 1/2 million years of civilizations on this planet, even though there have been more like 500 million years of civilization. Something happened 5 1/2 million years ago that broke the Akashic record memory of this planet. Even Thoth doesn't know what it was and doesn't know how to get through to the older records.
The Sumerian civilization seemed to arise overnight with no evolution at all. The same is true for Egypt. Egyptian writing appeared one day in its most developed form and went downhill after that. All the ancient civilizations--Sumeria, Babylonia, Egypt, and so on--developed quickly and went downhill immediately. In the ruins of Sumerian cities archaeologists have found tablets which depict the Solar System, listing the planets in their correct order. One even gives the distances between the planets.(3) How did anyone know this? They also provide detailed records concerning the precession of the equinoxes. It has been calculated that the only way to discover the precession of the equinoxes is from observation, and that the minimum time of observation would have to have been 2,160 years. How did the Sumerians have this information, when, according to our way of thinking, there was no advanced civilization 2,160 years before them?
:: Our Creators ::
Now my discussion will drop back about 400,000 years in our history. Here I will incorporate information from both Thoth and Zecharia Sitchin, in particular Sitchin's books The 12th Planet (4) and Genesis Revisited. (5) Sitchin believes that there is another planet in our solar system, the Sumerian Nibiru, which has an elliptical orbit similar to that of a comet. It takes 3600 years for the planet to make one complete circle of the sun. The people on this planet, called the Nefilim, came to Earth over 400,000 years ago; Thoth doesn't say why, but Sitchin claims the reason was that they needed gold for their atmosphere. In Genesis Revisited, he writes:
"On their planet Nibiru, the Anunnaki/Nefilim were facing a situation we on Earth may also soon face: ecological deterioration was making life increasingly impossible. There was a need to protect their dwindling atmosphere, and the only solution seemed to be to suspend gold particles above it, as a shield." (6)So they came here to mine gold. After 200,000 years or so of enforced labor the miners rebelled and decided to create a subservient race--which is us--to mine the gold for them. It is notable that in Southern Africa in the oldest known gold mines, archaeologists have found the bones of Homo Sapiens and artifacts that go back to at least 50,000 B.C. They believe gold mining in Africa goes back much further than that. Sitchin asserts that the Nefilim created us about 300,000 years ago, but Thoth is very exact. Thoth says we were created exactly 200,209 years ago (from 1994).
Sitchin theorizes that the Nefilim created us through genetic experiments, but according to Thoth the Nefilim couldn't do that alone. They had to have help from outside the Solar System. That external help came from a familiar source. The Sirians joined with the Nefilim to create us. They first landed in the ocean and emerged as half-men and half-fish. They went underwater initially to make contact with the dolphins, who are on a similar consciousness level to them. At one point, according to Thoth, the Sirians decided to leave, but they wanted to leave a certain level of consciousness behind. Seven of these beings dropped their bodies and formed spheres of consciousness. They merged into the seed of life and created an ovum. When seven beings link together geometrically in this way to form the seed of life, a flame appears, four feet tall and of bluish-white light. It is cool but looks like a flame. This was then set in the "Halls of Amenti."
The Halls of Amenti are a very ancient place, built more than 5 1/2 million years ago. No one knows how old the Halls of Amenti really are or who erected them, because of that event 5 1/2 million years ago that broke the Akashic records of the planet. Remember-even though history on the planet goes back 500 million years, we have access only to the last 5 1/2 million years. The Halls of Amenti are actually a dimensional warp in space resembling a womb. There is only one way in, but once you get there it is like being in infinite space. Such a warp sits always one dimensional overtone higher than the vibrational level of the Earth. It is located usually 440,000 miles out in space, but during the era of Atlantis it was on the surface of the Earth. Now it is 1,000 miles inside the Earth. Drunvalo has been allowed into the first room; there he saw a large pyramid inside a golden mean rectangle. Inside the pyramid was the flame.
Simultaneous preparation for this creation or trans-semination was being made on Sirius B, or, more precisely, the third planet out from Sirius B. Sixteen males and sixteen females who comprised a married family there traveled to Earth from Sirius B and went directly to the flame in the Halls of Amenti. They lay down and merged with the flame. Their conception period here was 2,000 years. These two separate races were involved in our creation- one from Nibiru and one from Sirius.
According to Sitchin's interpretation of the Sumerian texts in The 12th Planet, after the Nefilim created us to work in the gold mines in Africa, some of us were brought to Mesopotamia to help in the gardens in E.DIN. The "gods" loved us because, after all, we were made in their own image. But in the garden in E.DIN where the Nefilim had their orchards we were told not to eat the fruit of a certain tree called the tree of knowledge. We disobeyed. Eating this fruit and gaining its "knowledge" was significant because it gave us the ability to reproduce sexually. Up until this point we were hybrids, a cross between two different species, and like all hybrids we were incapable of reproduction. Sitchin interprets the Sumerian texts as saying we are a cross between the Nefilim and Homo erectus, the predecessor of Homo sapiens. It is through Thoth that we get the additional information about the role of the beings from Sirius.
Not surprisingly, the Nefilim did not want us reproducing. They wanted to maintain control of their own experiment. The knowledge we gained from eating the fruit was not scientific as such- it was the knowledge of how to procreate, how to turn ourselves from sterile hybrids into a new species fully capable of reproducing. The Nefilim were angry when we gained the ability to reproduce, and they made us leave the garden. According to scholars of ancient texts, the Sumerian records precede the Biblical records, and the Biblical creation stories seem to be just a summary of older Sumerian texts. (7)
Although we had to leave their garden, the Nefilim allowed us to grow food on our own. We went to the mountainous area east of the gardens in Mesopotamia. According to Thoth, we remained there for a long time. But then there was a big shift in consciousness and another pole shift, and that continent sank. Many of the survivors went to Africa, but the most evolved went to Lemuria, a land which rose above water when the other continent sank.
:: Lemuria ::
The continent of Lemuria lasted for 60,000 to 70,000 years. During the era of Lemuria the consciousness of the planet became predominantly intuitive and female. The Lemurians had technology that we can't even begin to understand- for example, dowsing rods that work only when your mind and heart link together.
Jumping ahead in time to Lemuria approximately 80,000 years ago, or about 1,000 years before that continent sank--and the continent was sinking very slowly almost from the beginning-- there lived a couple by the name of Ay and Tyia. Ay and Tyia had become physically immortal beings during the course of their lives and so they opened a school to teach immortality and ascension to others- the Naacal Mystery School. Ascension is a method of consciously moving from one world to another, taking your body with you. It is different from resurrection, which is consciously moving from one world to another by dying and then reforming your light body on the other side. In the course of its existence, the school graduated about 1,000 immortal masters right up until the time when Lemuria was sinking rapidly. Extremely intuitive, the Lemurian race knew the land was submerging; they were well prepared for it, so there were probably very few casualties. As the continent became uninhabitable, almost everyone from Lemuria migrated to a zone as far south as Lake Titicaca in Peru and as far north as Mount Shasta in California.
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