Wednesday, 13 July 2011

The Arcturians: Fear | The 2012 Scenario

The Arcturians: The Process of Ascension part1

Thanks to Ellie Miser and Susan Richards ~ Namaste ~ Laura
July 2011
We are the Arcturians.
We enter the consciousness of our awakened grounded ones now because we wish to prepare you for what is soon to come about in your reality. We would like to communicate with every one of our grounded ones, but, unfortunately, there are still many who cannot—yet—embrace the unknown in the fashion..
Nonetheless, we wish to tell all who can receive this message that the time is NOW. You may say, “The time for what?” Our answer is, “It is the time for which you have awaited.” Your process of ascension is moving into a new frequency because your Solar System has moved into a new area of space.
Within this region of “outer space,” which is simultaneously “inner space,” you must keep careful watch upon ALL your thoughts and emotions because your powers of instant manifestation are quickly returning.
First, we say inner space because you can only experience the power of this area if you go within your SELF and calibrate your consciousness to the resonance of the fifth dimension and beyond. We will guide you into this calibration.
Second, we wish to remind you that your clay, earth vessels will be undergoing great transitions once you align your consciousness with the resonance of this area of space.
Third, it is vital that you maintain a consciousness of unconditional love, as much as possible, so that you can drop the ego protection of your self that has allowed you to come this far in your process.
Your polarized reality has taught you to protect your self from others. Even worse, this reality has taught you to protection your self even more from those you love. Why? Because it is those you love who can hurt you the most.
Therefore, we ask you these questions:
Is it more important to protect your self
or is it more important to protect those whom you love?
Can you really know who you are before
you have seen your self through the eyes of those whom you love?
Is it not from this perspective that you can know how your love feels to others?
Is it really important to protect your self from those you love?
And if so, do you really love them?
Love heals because it breaks the illusion of separation and replaces it with Unity. The release of your belief in separation is what allows you to experience a reality in which you live in Unity with all life. We ask you to take a moment to imagine yourself as being in Unity with ALL life.
See the molecules of Spirit that connect everything—every person, every place, every thought and every emotion—into the ONE moment of the NOW. Within this moment you can experience NO separation from your SELF, from others, from the planet, or from this area of space. It is within this Unity that you KNOW that you are all a personal expression of your ONE Planetary SELF. If you can imagine this experience inside your self, you can calibrate your consciousness to experience the energy field that your Planetary Body has just entered.
Since you are in Unity with all life, you affect all life and all of life affects you. This is the threshold of the fifth dimension, which you are now entering. As you enter into this threshold, you begin to feel a strange tingling all over your body. This tingling sensation will only be conscious if you WILL it to be so. You are the master of your reality!
If you choose to get lost in the mundane aspects of your physical reality, you will “fall asleep” during the climax of the movie that you have been watching for myriad incarnations. We cannot tell you how you will interpret your experience, for it is your gift to the ONE to contribute your myriad personal experiences of ascension to the multidimensional, collective consciousness.
You, our brave grounded ones, volunteered to enter your present bodies to “stay awake” during this momentous experience of transmutation into your higher expression of personal and planetary SELF. We know how easy it is to become lost in the turmoil and challenges of your physical world. Therefore, we understand what a difficult task we are asking of you.
We also wish to remind you that time is an illusion of the third dimension. Hence, if you do not receive our message on your Earth time of June 15, 2011, it is of no consequence to your process of ascension. Third dimensional time is a product of your belief in separation. As long as you maintain your belief in separation, your consciousness will be time-bound, which will limit it to the third/fourth dimensions.
As you begin the process of releasing your belief in separation, your consciousness will expand to become increasingly fifth dimensional, which will allow you to consciously perceive the molecules of Spirit that connect all life. It is then that you will begin to experience true Unity with all life, and you will be able to directly and consciously experience the “time” of which we are now speaking.
We are saying that “time” is a consequence of your state of consciousness. Furthermore, your state of consciousness is a consequence of your ability to maintain the presence of unconditional love within your High Heart. Unconditional love is the bonding force of the Universe and will assist you in your process of releasing your belief in separation.
We say process because you are still bound to time, which makes everything a process. Once you are freed of the illusion of time (which is synonymous with the illusion of separation), there is only NOW. Within that NOW there is only HERE, and the HERE to which you will resonate will be fifth dimensional. In closing, we wish to remind you that:
You are ALL great Multidimensional Beings.
Therefore, ALL of you are HERE NOW as your fifth dimensional expression of SELF.
You are not “coming Home.” You are “returning Home” to a joyous reunion with those whom you have infinitely loved and who have loved you beyond all illusions of time or space.
We are your Galactic Family!
Our dear grounded ones, we wish to personally meet with you and tell you of our Final Initiations into Planetary Ascension. We will begin our communication by taking you on a journey to your seventh dimensional Oversoul. Once there you will meet with your Galactic Family who will share with you their experiences of ascension.
We present these experiences to you in the hope that you will begin to remember your higher dimensional expressions of SELF on other worlds that have experienced their return to the fifth dimension. Through creating a deep alliance with these members of your greater SELF, you will better release your attachment to third dimensional illusions and more easily become your Multidimensional SELF.
Before we begin, we wish to say that we are joyous that you are allowing the changes in your consciousness to integrate into your physical form. Your Lightbody stirs within the encasement of its physical shell. The resistance of your physical form’s transformation causes some discomfort, but do not be concerned. Resistance is part of the process, which is taking place as scheduled. We will begin our communications with you with a short contemplation to better unite all your consciousness into ONE..
Please, close your eyes and take a long, slow, deep breath. Release all thoughts of your mundane life, and set the intention of your consciousness on your inner world. Allow your inner pictures to come into focus. See and feel your SELF in the heart of the sixth dimensional Divine Matrix. It may be challenging for your grounded self to imagine what will come next, so release your ego and send your consciousness into the matrix.
The heart of the matrix is beginning to spin as it, too, becomes a vortex. This vortex is huge. Release all resistance and fall into the vortex as the vortex falls into you. You are in the long wormhole with worlds, planets, stars and galaxies surrounding you as you travel through Infinity. You are about to join your Oversoul in the seventh dimension. Words are not enough to describe this experience, so we must speak in images.
A river of light beckons you to plunge into its flow. As you answer its call, you lose all sense of form. YOU ARE the river, YOU ARE the light within the river, and YOU ARE observing both your SELF and your grounded self. Within a single moment you travel beyond all the visions of worlds, planets, stars and galaxies.
The river now joins many other rivers as they travel upstream on a path of reunion towards the dark void. You find that your consciousness is able to jump from river to river and feel each river’s story. Every river is a different offshoot, a different reality, which flows from your seventh dimensional Oversoul.
Each river represents a part of your evolution on a different world, planet, solar system, galaxy, or dimension.. You can feel how each reality holds a fragment of the Essence of your SELF. Earth seems far away and significant only in its pending ascension. An inner voice tells you that you will now visit other worlds in which you have participated in ascension. Sirius B comes to your mind.
I am from Sirius B. I tell this story in hopes that you, our grounded ones of Earth, can learn from our ascension and integrate these lessons into your reality. Sirius and Earth, Terra, as we have called it, have always been closely linked. Our world was also a water world; yet it was not the same as earth water. My form on Sirius B was similar to that of your cetaceans, but at this point, I seldom limit myself to any form and prefer my emanation of light. I am all I wish to be, and I have completed all of my experiences, including the ascension of my planet and star system. You may call me Tarmaine.
Dear Earth Ones, please know that I use your language, as our language was completely telepathic. Therefore, it would be a language that you could not understand. Because our translator has downloaded me into her consciousness, I am able to access your language and communicate with you in a manner that you can understand. I speak in terms of I/me/my for the sake of your earth language. However, no such pronouns exist at my vibration. We are all in oneness and commune constantly in the divine unity of the One. We can track our consciousness back into individuality if we wish, but most of us keep that experience only as a memory. We return our consciousness to the third dimension solely to guide the grounded ones, as I am doing now.
I have come to you in your “time” to tell you our story of Planetary Ascension. Perhaps my story will ignite your memory, for many of us have incarnated on your world, which is also a water world. Furthermore, we have learned to incarnate in human forms to act as guides to those of humanity who could open their hearts and minds to us. In fact, there are many of us who volunteered to take form, both human and whale, on Earth during your “time” to assist with your Planetary Ascension.

Sirius, located in the Canes Major constellation, can be considered directly ‘upstream’ from our solar system in a cosmic sense in that refers to its relative position in the Milky Way galaxy. Sirius B is part of a Triune Star System of Sirius A, Sirius B and Sirius C.
The planet of my origin, which is called by a telepathic name that is not translatable to your language, was pivotal in the ascension of our solar system. Like Earth, our planet was the last planet that was ready for the shift into the fifth dimension. Hence, we, like Earth, were the trigger for the ascension of our Solar System, Sirius B.
I speak in past tense because our planet resonates in the fifth dimension and beyond. We are now an ascended planet of Light. However, just like our friends the Arcturians, we still hold a presence in the Galactic Sky. All of Sirius B is beyond polarity, separation, and limitation, but I speak to you from my masculine expression of Tarmaine to better tell my story of unification with my Divine Complement, Shaleem.
The “liquid” we lived in was more viscous than your water. The bottom, ground, or base of our atmosphere was much like the bottom of your ocean. Visualize a reality where the atmosphere, air in your world, was a viscous, watery substance. What would be your rivers and oceans would be our valleys and caves. These valleys and caves were filled with the same viscous, watery substance as the atmosphere, except that the atmosphere was the denser. As we moved farther away from the ocean floor, our atmosphere became less and less dense. Because of the density close to the planetary floor there was little or no light, and the ones who lived there became luminescent to create their own light.
Those of us who lived at the bottom of our atmosphere worshiped the darkness that was around us, whereas those of us who lived at the top of our atmosphere worshiped the light that we had sought through many generations of evolution. We believed at that time that the more evolved citizens of our society, such as our Council of Light, lived in the upper atmosphere. These High Councilors, myself included, were the leaders of the Council of Light, as well as the leaders of the upper atmosphere. From the perspective of our Council of Light, the less evolved lived in the lower atmosphere. We believed that this separation was a sign of our superiority and the inferiority of those who worshiped the darkness.
On the other hand, the Council of Darkness believed that we, the Council of Light, were heretics and had denied our heritage when we abandoned our Source by moving away from the surface of the planet. Before our ascension, we did not realize that our society was based on a hierarchical system, filled with separation and limitation. We just both thought that we were “right.” The Councilors of Darkness lived near the valleys and caves in the Grounded Temples, and the Councilors of the Light resided in Temples that “floated” near the surface of our liquid atmosphere. These Temples floated because they were near the threshold between the third/fourth dimension and the fifth dimension.
Just as dimensions one through three intermingles in your world, dimensions one through four were intermingled in our world. Therefore, magic, imagination and all forms of psychic powers were always a main element of our society. For example, all of our communications were telepathic. We had no need for arms, as we moved things telekinetically, nor legs, as we “swam” and/or teleported ourselves.
On my world, males and females were always equal. In fact, we could change from male to female, or vice versa, within a single incarnation. We were almost androgynous, yet we still had Divine Complements with whom we eventually merged in preparation for our entry into the fifth dimension. Because our society had dimensions one through four intermingled, it made our ascension process into the fifth dimension much easier. However, we were not without the prelude of extreme polarities that your planet is now experiencing.
We had to amplify our polarities, just as your planet is doing now, in order to stretch the “rubber band” of light versus darkness to the greatest extreme. In this manner, we prepared for our ultimate ascension past all polarities, into the fifth dimension and beyond. As our time of ascension drew closer we, too, found that the first leaders to amass a great following were the leaders of Darkness, representing the old guard of separation and limitation. These leaders, who were firmly based in the familiar, used fear to control their legions. The leaders of light used love to guide their legions and, therefore, took much longer to amass a following. Fear is a choice of perception that is difficult to ignore. Unfortunately, love is a choice of perception that is often difficult to choose.

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